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public class | source


Class that represents an aesthetic element. There will be one Aesthetic class for each class on the Legend.

Constructor Summary

Public Constructor

constructor(id: number, attr: string, fcolor: number[], stroke: number[], pointsize: number | null, range: number[])

Creates an instance of Aesthetic.

Member Summary

Public Members

This particular element will be active or not in the Legend.


fillColor: number[4]

The color to fill the Aesthetic element(RGBA).


The unique id of the Aesthetic object.


Outer of? This is used for what?


The size of the Aesthetic point to be drawn (Used only in maps that require dots to be drawn).


range: number[2]

The range for this particular Aesthetic element.


strokeColor: number[4]

Stroke color values(RGBA).

Private Members

This Array is used for?


The attribute being mapped on the Aesthetic.


This Array will keep track of all Features associated with this Aesthetic object.

Method Summary

Public Methods

addFeature(id: number, properties: {fx: string, _gisplayid: number}, triangles: {itemSize: number, numItems: number}, borders: {itemSize: number, numItems: number}, points: number[])

Adds a new feature to this Aesthetic object.


addGroupedFeature(id: number, triangles: null, borders: null, points: {buffer: WebGLBuffer, itemSize: number, numItems: number})

Add new grouped feature ?


Verifies the existence or not of the property Aesthethic._attr and if it fits inside this Aesthetic range.


Inverts this Aesthetic element state in the Legend object.


Gets this Aesthetic attribute.

Public Constructors

public constructor(id: number, attr: string, fcolor: number[], stroke: number[], pointsize: number | null, range: number[]) source

Creates an instance of Aesthetic. There will be as many Aesthetic objects as the number of classes on the Legend.


id number

The unique id of the Aesthetic object.

attr string

The attribute being mapped on this Aesthetic.

fcolor number[]

The color to fill the Aesthetic element(RGBA).

stroke number[]

Stroke color values(RGBA).

pointsize number | null

Size of the Aesthetic point to be drawn (Used only in maps that require dots to be drawn).

range number[]

The range for this particular Aesthetic element.


1-> {"id":0,"attr":"f3","fcolor":[255,255,255,0.8],
2-> {"id":1,"attr":"f3","fcolor":[255,255,0,0.8],

Public Members

public enabled: boolean source

This particular element will be active or not in the Legend.

public fillColor: number[4] source

The color to fill the Aesthetic element(RGBA).

public id: number source

The unique id of the Aesthetic object.

public outer: boolean source

Outer of? This is used for what?

public pointSize: number | null source

The size of the Aesthetic point to be drawn (Used only in maps that require dots to be drawn).

public range: number[2] source

The range for this particular Aesthetic element.

public strokeColor: number[4] source

Stroke color values(RGBA).

Private Members

private _allFeatures: Array<Feature> source

This Array is used for?

private _attr: string source

The attribute being mapped on the Aesthetic.

private _features: Array<Feature> source

This Array will keep track of all Features associated with this Aesthetic object.

Public Methods

public addFeature(id: number, properties: {fx: string, _gisplayid: number}, triangles: {itemSize: number, numItems: number}, borders: {itemSize: number, numItems: number}, points: number[]) source

Adds a new feature to this Aesthetic object.


id number

The Feature id. Each feature will have a different id inside this Aesthetic object.

properties {fx: string, _gisplayid: number}

Properties associated with the Feature.

triangles {itemSize: number, numItems: number}

Number of triangles associated with the Feature.

borders {itemSize: number, numItems: number}

Number of borders associated with the Feature.

points number[]

The points that belong to the Feature.

public addGroupedFeature(id: number, triangles: null, borders: null, points: {buffer: WebGLBuffer, itemSize: number, numItems: number}) source

Add new grouped feature ?


id number
triangles null

Always empty? See line:479 Map.js

borders null

Always empty? See line:479 Map.js

points {buffer: WebGLBuffer, itemSize: number, numItems: number}


  • Finish document of this method.

public checkProperty(value: string): boolean source

Verifies the existence or not of the property Aesthethic._attr and if it fits inside this Aesthetic range.


value string

The attribute ?.



True if there's no range or it is inside the range or ?, otherwise, false.

public enableDisable(): boolean source

Inverts this Aesthetic element state in the Legend object. If it was enabled it will be disabled or vice-versa.



Inverse of current enabled value.

public getAttr(): _attr source

Gets this Aesthetic attribute.



The string representing the attr of this Aesthetic.