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This class contains the Map class which represents the current map. Each map has a group of functions available. There is only one map yet(maybe there will be two if we want to compare two).

Constructor Summary

Public Constructor

constructor(bgmap: BGMapWrapper | Object, geometry: JSON, userOptions: Object)

Map constructor

Member Summary

Public Members

The background map to be used.


All the options available in the API.

Method Summary

Public Methods


Abstract function that should be implemented by subclasses.


loadOptions(userOptions: Object, bgmap: Object)

This method loads user options, and for each option if it isn't provided by the user, then it uses the default one. 1st method to be called.


Calls the Background Map Wrapper to show the loader while the data is being processed.

Public Constructors

public constructor(bgmap: BGMapWrapper | Object, geometry: JSON, userOptions: Object) source

Map constructor


bgmap BGMapWrapper | Object

Background map

geometry JSON

Geometry read from the file.

userOptions Object

The user defined options.

Public Members

public bgMap: BGMapWrapper source

The background map to be used. This map will be drawn over the background map.

public gisplayOptions: GisplayOptions source

All the options available in the API.

Public Methods

public draw() source

Abstract function that should be implemented by subclasses.

public loadOptions(userOptions: Object, bgmap: Object) source

This method loads user options, and for each option if it isn't provided by the user, then it uses the default one. 1st method to be called.


userOptions Object

Options given by the user.

bgmap Object

The background map provider.

public showLoader() source

Calls the Background Map Wrapper to show the loader while the data is being processed.