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import { BGMapWrapper } from './BGMapWrapper';
import { Aesthetic } from '../Aesthetic';
import { GisplayOptions } from './GisplayOptions';

 * This class contains the Map class which represents the current map.
 * Each map has a group of functions available. There is only one map yet(maybe there will be two if we want to compare two).
export class Map {

     * Map constructor
     * @param {BGMapWrapper|Object} bgmap - Background map
     * @param {JSON} geometry - Geometry read from the file.
     * @param {Object} userOptions - The user defined options. 
    constructor(bgmap, geometry, userOptions) {
        console.log("Map constructor called -> super()");

     * This method loads user options, and for each option if it isn't provided by the user, then it uses
     * the default one. 1st method to be called.
     * @param {Object} userOptions - Options given by the user. 
     * @param {Object} bgmap  - The background map provider.
    loadOptions(userOptions, bgmap) {
         * All the options available in the API.
         * @type {GisplayOptions}
        this.gisplayOptions = new GisplayOptions(userOptions);
         * The background map to be used. This map will  be drawn over the background map.
         * @type {BGMapWrapper}
        this.bgMap = this.gisplayOptions.useCustomMapService ? bgmap : new BGMapWrapper(bgmap); 

        if (this.gisplayOptions.showLoader)

     * Calls the Background Map Wrapper to show the loader while the data is being processed.
    showLoader() {
        this.bgMap.showLoader(); //TODO: Create showLoader at BGMapWrapper class

     * Abstract function that should be implemented by subclasses.
    draw() {
        throw new Error("Draw method not implemented.");
